Max, with all due respect, I can only characterize your arguments as straight-out lies. Mostly, you’re lying to yourself. I understand your fear and anger, but in no way does bombing civilian neighborhoods qualify as “defense.” The Iron Dome is defense. And the evictions are NOT a “completely separate issue” in the minds of anyone except you. They are the immediate, stated, reason Hamas started launching rockets. You may not realize it; it may hurt your feelings, but when you spend 70 years dispossessing people from their homes and denying them rights in their own land, people will not see you as the victim when they resist. Israel’s defenders love to talk about being held to a “double standard,” but the fact is you refuse to accept any standards or rules at all. You are bombing Lebanon and Syria at this moment, against all international law. And you will say, as with your bombing of children, that you have to do it. In your mind, you’re defending yourself. This is a paranoid delusion, and the world is past tired of it.