,Em, thanks for sending me that source. The Foundation for Defense of Democracy is a straight-up CIA regime change operation. I read the whole article, and the author simply CLAIMS Hamas is using civilians as shields, goes on at great length about it without any supporting evidence.
I didn't just make up that 300,000 number' Ralph Nader posted his analysis based on estimates by health experts on the ground. https://www.commondreams.org/news/gaza-death-toll-2668700991 I am in touch with mothers in Gaza by Messenger, and it's true their children are still alive. But some days they have no food, and importantly, no clean water. https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/05/31/you-cant-turn-back-the-clock-on-genocide-200000-deaths-in-gaza/
Your belief that Israel is protecting civilians and that famine is not occurring would be a pathetic self-delusion, if you were not helping kill thousands. Did you miss all the public statements by Israeli leaders saying their goal is to drive all Palestinians out of Gaza, to create a "second Nakba," to make Gaza 'unlivable',to give them a choice to leave or die? They say things like that all the time, but you want to think Israel are the good guys.
I'm praying for folks like you to wake up, before total genocide has occurred and "Jews" replace "Nazis" as the international standard of evil.